Hose Clamp

About this product

A crucial component in Toyota's Engine-Fuel Manifold and Radiator & Water Outlet systems, the Hose Clamp (#96112-10220) is designed to secure hose connections, preventing any leaks of fluids or gases. Working under continuous pressure and temperature fluctuations, it tightly seals the junctions where hoses connect, ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of the engine. Wear and tear over time can compromise the Hose Clamp (#96112-10220)'s effectiveness. If neglected, it may lead to uncontrolled leaks, possibly causing performance issues or even engine damage. Hence, periodic replacement is necessary to maintain the reliability of your vehicle's engine system. Opt for genuine Toyota Autoparts for optimal vehicle compatibility. Genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, adding an extra layer of assurance for your vehicle's maintenance. Ultimately, the Hose Clamp (#96112-10220) contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle, securing its entire engine system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90099-35219;87100-60250;90460-22003;90099-35129;90046-22004;87100-60260;96111-10220;96112-10260;90460-22004 More
Part Number 96112-10220

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